Can I choose where I live?
Yes. You will be involved in all of the choices regarding your support and accommodation. Here at New Directions we have the largest choice of supported living accommodation in Rugby.
The first and most important step to take however is to get an assessment through the local authority, where they will first ask you questions to assess your support and accommodation needs. If you live in Warwickshire the number to call is 01926 410410.
How much support can I get?
This depends on your local authority assessment. An allocated social worker will discuss your support options. Here, at New Directions, we will also complete an assessment of your needs and have a discussion with the social worker if we feel we could support you. Support hours will be mutually agreed and then the social worker will request funding for this support to be put in place.
What is supported living?
Supported living refers to a range of services and community living arrangements designed with individuals with disabilities and their families to support people to attain or retain their independence or interdependence in their local communities.
How do I pay for my support?
When the local authority completes your care and support assessment they will also complete a financial assessment which will determine who pays for your support and if you have to contribute towards this.
How do you respond when my needs change?
A review of your support and care needs is completed on a regular basis so that support staff can meet your needs as and when they change.
How old do I need to be to use your services?
We support people from the ages of 16 years right up until the end of their life
Are day opportunities open every day?
Day opportunities are open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Can I get respite if I'm under 16?
No. We support people from the age of 16 years but if this is something you would like to see and will be turning 16 soon, please get in touch.
Can I come and look around your services?
People come and look at our services after they have been allocated a social worker and deemed eligible for supported accommodation.
Can I come and live with you if I'm on benefits?
Yes, as long as you have been assessed and deemed eligible for care and support.
Do you offer counselling for people with learning disabilities?
No, but we can signpost you to services that can help you with this.
Can I have a relationship if I live in supported living with you?
Yes you can. People who live in our settings are supported with their relationships.
How will I get the right support I need?
All areas of your support needs will be discussed in your assessment with the local authority. Once they have completed their assessment, this information gets sent out to providers of support like ourselves who will get in touch with the local authority to discuss how they can support you. You then get to choose which one is best for you.
What is residential care?
Residential care refers to long-term care given to adults or children who stay in a residential setting rather than in their own home or family home.
What are day opportunities?
Day opportunities provide a range of activities and services for older people, people with a learning disability and people with physical disabilities. You can take part in a particular activity, or spend the whole day accessing activities and socialising.
How do I make choices about what I want to do?
Your support plan and timetable can be completed with you. You can then make choices about what you want.
How will you keep me safe?
Safety means different things to different people. How to keep you safe will be discussed at point of assessment and then incorporated into your support plan.
Can I be funded by Warwickshire County Council?
Please contact Warwickshire County Council on 01926 410410 they will advise you on whether you are eligible for support services.
Can I have days out if I live in supported living?
There are many opportunities for days out, group activities and holidays.
Can I get supported living if I'm 16?
Yes, we support people who are 16.
Can you help me to get a job?
Yes we can. We support people with all aspects of looking for work whether that be paid or unpaid, supported or not supported. People living with us have paid jobs, some people volunteer and some people are in education.
Do I need my parents permission to use your services?
Decisions regarding support and accommodation are discussed mutually with people that are important in your life. If you are not sure about making a decision, your allocated social worker will support you with this.
Do you have emergency supported living?
No, all our moves are very carefully planned, however we can provide emergency respite where this is needed.
What is PIP?
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a welfare benefit in the United Kingdom that is intended to help adults with the extra costs of living with a long-term health condition or a disability.