There was high praise for Poppy Place in New Directions’ latest CQC inspection report, which received a ‘Good’ rating. The inspector’s findings stated that, “the staff team understood their roles and responsibilities toward people living in the home and embraced further learning and developmental opportunities, so people received the best care and support possible.” One visiting health professional commented, “I would recommend Poppy Place without hesitation to look after me or my relatives if there was such a need.”

The inspection report said, “People’s care planning was determined by their wishes with agreed outcomes for each person monitored at regular intervals. The inspector considered communications between staff effective meaning “staff knew when changes occurred that might affect people’s support needs.” People and relatives described the care at Poppy Place as being ‘very good’. Comments included; “I am very happy with the care that [Name] receives at Poppy Place and am thankful” and, “The staff are very kind, considerate and caring.” The inspector saw easy read documents, documents in picture format, and information in different languages available where required.

The inspector saw that “people at Poppy Place can choose whether they go out each day, spend time alone, or spend time with staff in the communal areas of the home and the gardens, which provides water features, benches, and shaded areas. When people engaged in activities and hobbies they enjoyed, staff kept records of these to base future activities on, and to help reminisce about things people had enjoyed through images and pictures.” Staff respected people’s individual privacy in the home. Staff considered people’s cultural and diverse needs, and its effect on how they required their care. People’s dietary preferences were met, and their choices respected by staff.  Relatives and staff told the inspector, “the managers had an ‘open door’ policy, and were approachable.” One relative told us, “I have been asked for feedback on many occasions, both verbally and in writing. The inspector saw how people’s feedback helped to develop the service, for example, one person had commented that they would like to go on a specific trip, which had been organised.

Registered Manager Emma Daffey said, “We are delighted with the results of the CQC report. Since the previous inspection, New Directions has implemented electronic care records, and focus on caring for the individuals while developing our services to achieve the highest quality available. We work in partnership with visiting health professionals on the community team and follow their advice, working together to meet the needs of the people we support. I respond in a timely fashion to compliments and complaints according to our policies and procedures, so when people’s feedback encourages learning I share this with the management team and staff, to make sure congratulations are distributed or improvements are put in place.”

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