Spending more time at home with our families has put pressure on our relationships and can give us a good reason to find some space and a place of your own. Anastasia was living with her family and had already been in touch with a social worker, however when lockdown happened it meant that everything came together. Suddenly she had an assessment on Zoom and she found her new home in our supported living flats. New Directions liaised with Anastasia, her social worker and her family throughout the process. Anastasia is now supported with her everyday life such as trips out such as to Coombe Abbey, to go shopping, improve her cooking skills, manage her finances and keep on top of her housework.

During the process of moving, Anastasia was interviewed by the Williams Syndrome Foundation about her experience of moving into her flat and wants to encourage others who are thinking about having their own front door.

After living independently for several months, Anastasia is now keen to get back into her job at a local charity which she has had for more than 4 years, and to see her friends outside her household now that the restrictions are lifting. Anastasia says that she has not felt alone at all throughout lockdown despite having a flat where she is living by herself. She enjoys spending time playing cards and having meals with her new household friends and staff are available 24/7 which makes her feel surrounded by people. She also appreciates New Directions closed Facebook community page and checks it almost every day to help her to feel connected. 

It was noisy at first in her flat but Anastasia is able to find quiet time when she needs it and appreciates the people in her life on her own terms. It is easy for Anastasia to catch up with her family as they are her support bubble, and now she will be able to see her outside friends meeting in groups of six. She explains that it was a crazy few weeks going back and forth moving in, but exciting too. With its town centre location, the flat where Anastasia lives is near to the railway station, her place of work and the shops she needs making it easy for her to get to places. Now that she has received their Covid-19 vaccination she is keen to start her new life in this world that has changed beyond measure. Feeling safe to meet people is a big part of her plans.

Let me tell you my flat is big! I have 3 windows that look out the front of the building. It has a nice kitchen and big living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a cupboard that can be used as storage. I was so excited when I went to sign the lease and I finally got my keys for my flat! I would say to someone thinking of moving into their own home that this may take time. Patience is important. You will get there in the end. New Directions has a real community feel to it. Don’t feel fear, just engage with others through the process. Keep hoping. I cannot wait to be your neighbour.”



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