Billy was looking forward to the pubs opening after lockdown. Now he is raising a glass to welcome the lifted restrictions and celebrating his independence outdoors with his friends. Supported by our staff, Billy goes out regularly and has been living in one of our supported living flats for several months. Billy already knew Harry, who we support, who also lives independently and so it was easy for him to see the benefits of having his own home. Since moving into his flat he has not only made many friends, but he has adapted to socially distancing and using our day opportunity service to get together communally with his entire household. Billy would like to access our facilities such as computers when the restrictions allow. Billy likes to watch rugby and football. Billy is particularly keen on the Wasps, so he will be supported to attend games with his Support Worker Elizabeth. Billy also likes football and spends a lot of time with his friend Harry watching football matches. His favourite team is Arsenal, so it is anyone’s game if they ever play Aston Villa as that is Harry’s team.

At home Billy is helped with cooking, cleaning and his finances and the steps he took to achieve his goals are specific to what he needs. His Mum still visits regularly as she is part of his social bubble as Billy lives alone. When he lived at home, Billy helped out and that made the transition to doing things for himself easier. Billy was really looking forward to having a place of his own for a long time and as well as the company of his friends in his household, he has the companionship of his hamster Milo. We support people to have pets at New Directions because moving home can be very stressful. Pets can provide a buffer to that stress and provide emotional, physical and social support. Billy may not take Milo for walks in the park, however he can often be found with his friends enjoying the facilities they offer including exercising, the roundabout or even swings. Days out have also given Billy the freedom to enjoy the places to visit around him when restrictions allow. Having friends his own age in his household means that Billy is surrounded by young people keen to become dinner guests. There is something very special about his takeout meal nights with Harry and the times he enjoys with others around the table.

Moving into your own home can be emotionally and physically demanding at any time, yet in the middle of the lockdown the difficulties were magnified. We are able to help you through the process of moving from the start and will support you to tackle every obstacle as it happens. We have many years of experience moving people into our own accommodation and also into homes in the community. It is important to us that your move is as seamless as possible and we have adapted the way we work to the new world with Covid-19 in it. See how we are doing that on our Coronavirus webpage.
“If you want to come here to live, it’s okay if you are nervous. You will meet new people. Wear a mask and keep your distance when you need to. You will feel okay. Stay safe.”