Our mission is to enable and support people with a learning disability to take control of their lives, to be as independent as they can be and to have the best quality of life possible.


We are committed to improving the lives of the people we support. Our person-centred approach puts the individual at the centre of all our activity – whether that involves providing day-to-day support or advocating for individuals on matters that directly affect them.  We are committed to offering choices, independence, dignity, privacy, respect and promoting the rights of people with learning disabilities.


In view of the values New Directions holds of respect, dignity, inclusion, empowerment, choice, independence and equality, we will:

Uphold and promote our belief that all individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and that each of us has a responsibility to treat others with respect.

Work together with the people we support, our colleagues and all partners and community groups to establish practices which express our values of diversity.

Endeavour to ensure that our facilities, resources and services are responsive, relevant and accessible to all who wish to access them.


We will work in partnership with people with learning disabilities and family carers, recognising that they are the real experts and that their stories and life experiences should be central to developing and sharing good practice.


  • We will make sure that people with learning disabilities are kept safe from abuse and neglect and are able to be independent and make choices
  • We believe that communication is a basic right and will work in ways that ensure that individuals’ means of communication are supported and valued
  • We are committed to developing the values, knowledge, skills and competencies of all those who support people with a learning disability
  • As an organisation, we will be person centred and value our staff so that they can value the people we serve
  • We are open to changing the way we work if this means that more people with learning disabilities can have better lives through what we do.



Come On Richmond United!

Come On Richmond United!

Playing football regularly can be an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience.   At New Directions, we have already formed a group of 6-8 people who come together to play football. Our group is united by a clear goal: to have fun. While we do get quite...

Our Relationship With Rugby’s Safer Neighbourhood Team

Our Relationship With Rugby’s Safer Neighbourhood Team

At New Directions Rugby, we take immense pride in our town and are extremely fortunate to be surrounded by local organisations, businesses, and people who look out for and enable the people we support to live happy, safe, and independent lives. The officers at Rugby’s...

How New Directions Give Back To The Local Community

How New Directions Give Back To The Local Community

At New Directions Rugby, we are always looking for ways in which we can support people to give back. We are incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such a generous, tight-knit community of people in Rugby that have supported us, our staff, and the people we support,...

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