New Directions’ purpose-built residential home Poppy Place which opened in January 2016 received positive feedback from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in its latest inspection for the home’s first year. The CQC report showed that the home provides “good health and a high quality of life” for the people with learning and physical disabilities who live there where individuals are valued, respected and treated with privacy and dignity.

The CQC inspector highlighted that the care is person-centred and is planned to meet individual needs abilities and preferences to improve the quality of their lives. The inspector also noted that people said that they are treated with kindness and staff are compassionate. Time is taken to listen to people and support them to express themselves according to their abilities to communicate.

The report said that people who live at Poppy Place engage in meaningful activities inside the home and in the community supported by sufficient staff who are trusted and approachable. One relative said, “The staff are like family, I have every confidence in them.” Another added “I would put Poppy Place at the top of the list if I had to grade it.” The report concludes the home is well led by managers and staff who understand their responsibilities and the needs, abilities and preferences of the people they support with effective systems that monitor the quality of this service effectively.