Rugby Rokeby Lions Club raised £1000 towards New Directions’ sensory garden at Richmond Court, our new supported living development, opening Spring 2017. 20 fundraisers, including The mayor of Rugby, Cllr Sally Bragg, competed in 3 rounds at this Annual Ladies Fancy Dress Charity Pancake Race on Shrove Tuesday, 28th February. Catherine Best from Brethertons, crossed the finish line as the winner of the race receiving the prized trophy and shield. Rugby Lions Club is a community organisation which fundraises and provides volunteers to support a wide range of local good causes. Fellow winners were Sarah Parr who won best fancy dress and Claire Walezek who raised the most sponsorship. Family member Jan Orrill and Leanne, who is supported by New Directions, raised an impressive £66. Also pictured taking part are Support Worker Kirsty, and Mark who uses New Directions’ services.

The sensory garden at Richmond Court will be an outdoor communal space with features and materials to stimulate the senses of sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. It will offer people with sensory impairments the opportunity to take part in sensory rich activities, such as gardening, in a user-friendly environment with full access for physically disabled people. Plans for the sensory garden can include the practical use of raised beds for flowers, herbs and vegetables, a water feature, wind chimes, interactive materials, mosaics and wall art.

Media Officer Abbi Head said, “Funds raised from this pancake race will really help toward providing a communal sensory garden that will be calming, therapeutic and educational for the people we support. This sensory environment will offer disabled people a richer experience by engaging more senses and in turn aiding memory. Thank you to Rugby Rokeby Lions Club for their continued support.”

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