The Benefits Of using Computers
By using computers for activities like reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and finding useful information on the internet, the people who attend our ‘Community Choices Network’ are more able to handle a wider variety of tasks independently. For more information about our day opportunities service click here.
Pouches For Australia
About 12 million acres of Australian land burned in the recent bush fires, according to the Associated Press. This would equal approximately 20 per cent of the United Kingdom. A shocking one billion animals at least have died because of the devastation. The animal rescue collective campaign requested donations of a number of vital handmade items, including joey pouches, animal sweaters and possum boxes. The Animal Magic group at Community Choices Network were very happy to help and made some joey pouches for Australia.
Access To Inclusive Sports
Rugby Sport For The Disabled Association exists to encourage people with disabilities to take part in sport, recreation and leisure activities. They provide a wide variety of sports, and people like Susie are welcome to trial their sessions for a couple of weeks before deciding to join up. For more information or to take part in sports for disabled people go to
Building Cooking Confidence
For as long as you have a passion for cooking, you can rustle up a culinary delight that will please anyone with a keen appetite.
Cooking is an art form, and like any creative venture it always includes a process and of course, determination.
Avoiding the super simple stuff like sandwiches and microwaveable meals! We help the people we support to enjoy cooking, to get creative and prepare food confidently with a healthy attitude to what they eat and how they budget meals.
Cooking sessions increase self-esteem, they help to build confidence, to try new things, learn new techniques and experiment with new or unfamiliar ingredients.
To find out more about how we can help develop the independent living skills of the people who live in our supported living accommodation click here.