Caring for a family member with learning difficulties can be a tough task and seeking respite care services might provide you a much-needed break.

At New Directions Rugby, our bespoke respite care services allows caregivers to focus on other tasks whilst their loved ones continue to receive the support they deserve in a safe, modern and homely setting.

What’s respite care?

As a parent or carer of somebody with learning disabilities, respite care allows you to take a breather from the responsibilities of supporting a family member with learning disabilities, mental health, physical health needs or the stress of daily complex care plans.

Respite care is provided at Milner House; our pioneering, fully adapted, modern 3 bedroomed respite home away from home. Our experienced staff work alongside you to learn new skills, become more independent, take on new opportunities and make new friends.

Milner House is purpose built and accessible to all abilities. Support is tailored to meet the individuals needs whilst building on their strengths, developing their skills and enabling them to explore their potential within the community around them.

Why use it?

Whether you’re looking for short term respite care or a longer holiday, respite care may assist in lightening the load of family caregiving while also relieving stress, restoring energy, and promoting balance in your life. It can also keep you from feeling tired, isolated, or worn out. Respite care can also help the individual being cared for by giving diversity, stimulation, and a welcome break of routine.  Respite care can benefit everybody.

What will it be like?

Your loved one will get a taste of what it’s like to live in a supported living facility while they’re on respite. They’ll have the opportunity to meet new people whilst gaining independence and confidence. At New Directions Rugby, we can provide a taste of life away from home, which prepares young people for an independent life in the future. Our transition services can also act as a taster for those thinking of moving into one of our supported living locations.

During their stay, you can rest assured that you’re loved one is being supported with whatever they need, whether that be cooking, cleaning, getting involved in activities or simply having somebody to talk to.

What are the benefits of respite care?

It’s not selfish to ask for help and take care of your own health while caring for a loved one, and it’s important to remember that. You and the person you’re caring for will both feel frustrated if you’re overwhelmed by the hardships of caring for someone else on a day-to-day basis.

Unsurprisingly, taking a break to replenish your batteries can help you feel more energised, focused, and revitalised about your duty as a caregiver. You may even learn new strategies to deal with typical challenges you may face, making the caring journey more pleasurable and fulfilling for both you and the individual in your care.

Below we’ve included some of the many benefits that come with taking a break:


Renewal and relaxation

Going for a walk, a treat in a café, visiting a museum, or doing whatever brings you joy will help you relax, lower your heart rate, and enhance your mood.


Taking time to re-energise is essential to being efficient in your hectic daily schedule. A car won’t run on empty, so don’t force yourself to either.


Having a break from the caregiving environment for even a few hours can help you relax and restore your sense of accomplishment.


It’s important to remember that even as a caretaker, you have the right to have fun and relax. You have no need to feel guilty for this.


Your well-being is improved when you maintain a strong sense of self and stop yourself from getting lost in your duty of care. You’re important, too!


For caretakers, social isolation may be a major issue. It’s crucial to spend time with your friends and family, whether it’s over lunch, a shopping trip, or something else that brings you joy.


At New Directions, respite care is provided with the utmost attention to detail. Even those who are here on a short-term basis feel completely at home with us. If you’d like to enquire about our respite care services, call us on: 01788 573318 or email us at


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