At New Directions we know that young people who are leaving school and moving into adult life will experience big changes that can be both exciting and overwhelming. We can provide the right kind of transition support at our Milner House service or in the community to help make this progression a positive and fulfilling experience.
Our transition support covers many areas of the young person’s life including:
- education and employment
- developing and maintaining a community presence
- independent living and housing needs
- finances & benefits
- health and wellbeing
- including emotional health
- relationships
- training,
- day opportunities
- life skills
We fully involve the young person in planning the support they receive which includes agreeing their own goals and objectives. We look at the individual’s strengths to maximise their potential and explore what is possible. We give them the knowledge and confidence to go through the progression of transition as smoothly as they can.
We offer people choices, control over their support and the freedom to decide and manage their own wants, needs and goals for their future. We review our transition planning regularly until the young individual has successfully moved into adult services.
We can also offer support to the young person’s family, if appropriate and can act as a representative for the people we support when necessary. We also provide signposting and recommendations for other suitable activities and services. As a service provider we identify and establish positive links between professionals, young people and their families so that they are aware of who is involved, what their role is and how they can help.
This process of change relies on good communication between all those involved and we can support you to navigate the challenges ahead.
Remember Transition preparation can begin as early as Year 9 and continue to the age of 25 so that the whole experience is well organised.